About Our Services:

We are a group of Non Government Services (NGOs) who are funded by the NSW Government through the Responsible Gambling Fund (RGF) to provide Gambling Help to people affected by problem gambling on the Central Coast of NSW. The RGF was established in 1995 to reduce the impact of problem gambling by providing counselling, research and community awareness initiatives. A 24-hour Gambling Help phone referral service was established, and then funding was allocated to counselling services across NSW to provide face to face counselling in rural and regional areas. PM Counselling Services, Gambling Solutions, and Wesley Mission Counselling joined forces to develop this website and provide free Gambling Help counselling, resourses and information to the people of Gosford and Wyong.
Learn MoreCentral Coast Services Overview:

PM Counselling Services - 0408 679 351
(Previously UCMH) PM Counselling Services is a division of Parramatta Mission. Parramatta Mission offers various community-managed programs and services such as HASI, Lifeline, Headspace, and Family and Carers in metropolitan Sydney, the Central Coast and Hunter New England. PM Counselling provides Gambling Help Counselling and Financial Counselling in Parramatta, Fairfield, Bankstown, Manly Vale and Gosford.
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Gambling Solutions Central Coast - (02) 4344 7992
Gambling Solutions is part of Coast Community Connections. Coast Community Connections is a not for profit organisation which incorporates aged and disability services, youth and children's services, gambling counselling and support, as well as community centre programs and activities.
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Wesley Mission - 02 4351 0116
For over 200 years Wesley Mission's commitment to its Christian faith has guided them to support and advocate for the most vulnerable members of society. They cater to a broad spectrum of the community, from children, youth, and families, to older people and carers, to anyone struggling with financial or domestic challenges, homelessness, addiction or mental health issues
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